Objectives: Evaluation of the analgesic
efficacy and pregnancy outcome of
parturient receiving intermittent epidural boluses (IEB) or continuous epidural infusion (CEI) of ropivacaine
0.15% and sufentanil 0.2 g/ml combination.
Patients & Methods: 158 primipara
were divided into two groups; CEI
(Group I) received continuous infusion
and IEB (Group II) received intermittent epidural boluses of ropivacaine
0.15% and sufentanil 0.2 g/ml combination. Efficacy of the procedure was
evaluated using the Numeric rating
scale (NRS) of pain and the Bromage
score for motor block. The frequency
of the need for labor augmentation,
length of the 2
nd stage of labor, mode
of delivery and fetal outcome as
judged by APGAR score, drug-related
side effects and patients' satisfaction
were recorded. |