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Dr. mohamed adel mandour :: Publications:

The Design of POD Considering Conventional and Renewable Power Generation
Authors: M. Mandour, M. EL-Shimy, F. Bendary, W.M. Mansour1
Year: 2015
Keywords: FACTS, wind power, SCIG, DFIG, electromechanical oscillations, POD design, modal analysis, time domain simulation
Journal: IEEJ
Volume: 6
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 1962-1972
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper mohamed adel mandour_The Design of POD Considering Conventional and Renewable Power Generation.pdf
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FACTS devices employ high speed, and high power semi-conductor technologies to help better regulate the power systems. To improve the damping of oscillations in power systems, supplementary control laws can be applied to the existing FACTS devices. These supplementary actions are referred to as power oscillation damping (POD) control. In this paper, the POD controllers are designed using the frequency response method as a conventional design method. The POD will be designed in two test systems, the first one is a SMIB test system including conventional generation and series connected TCSC while the second system is a weakly interconnected power system including conventional and renewable wind power generation and shunt connected SVCs. In the weakly interconnected power system, the impact of wind power on the dynamic stability is considered and two situations are covered. The first one is the replacement of conventional power by wind power while the second one includes the addition of wind power to an existing conventional power generation system. The considered weakly interconnected power system is composed of two weakly interconnected areas. The objectives of wind power are to reduce the dependency between the two areas and the reduction of conventional fuel use while keeping acceptable damping levels. Two popular wind energy technologies are considered which are fixed speed SCIGs and the variable speed DFIGs. The results show that the wind power causes reduction in the damping of power system oscillations. Therefore, power oscillation damping controllers (POD) are integrated with the available SVCs. The modal analysis and the time-domain simulation are used for validating the POD efficient design

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