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Ass. Lect. Mohamed Abdelsattar Marzouk Ahmed :: Experience:

  • Teaching Assistant (Demonstrator) at Benha Faculty of Engineering, Benha university from May 2016 until September 2023 at the Electrical Engineering Department with the following duties: 1. Conducting laboratory sessions for undergraduate students. 2. Teaching essential skills to students inside the laboratories, including practical application, technical competence, and professional ethics. 3. Preparing assignments tailored to the field of Communication Systems and Microelectronics design for undergraduate students. 4. Marking and grading laboratory’s assignments besides providing constructive feedback to support students' learning and improvement. 5. Collaborating with researchers at both national and international levels in the field of Internet of Things (IoTs) and Communication Networking. 6. Assessing and assisting electrical engineering students to complete their final year graduation projects in the field of Electrical Engineering.
  • Mr. Mohamed Ahmed was promoted to Assistant Lecturer at Benha university after successfully completing his master's degree, from October 2023 until the present at the Electrical Engineering Department with the following duties: 1. The same responsibilities of Teaching Assistant 2. Serving as a member of the Quality Assurance Unit in the faculty and fulfilling other departmental responsibilities as required. 3. Actively participating in departmental and faculty meetings, conferences, and seminars. 4. Engaging in research focused on the IoTs and their applications in the field of Communication Network. 5. Conducting scientific research in the field of IoTs, Communication Network, and their applications to be published in national and international peer-reviewed journals.
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