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Dr. Mohamed Mounir Ataiya Mohamed :: Publications:

The endurance of muscular ability and their impact on the accuracy of the performance of the hit attack and blocking for volleyball players
Authors: Dr. Mohamed Abdel Shafi Mohamed Dr. Mohamed Mounir Attia Mohamed
Year: 2016
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohamed Mounir Ataiya Mohamed_It carries muscular ability and its impact on the accuracy of performing overwhelming beating and repelling walls Among the volleyball players.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Research Summary There are in the volleyball game a number of basic skills that in turn need a high level of physical and skill abilities and these skills (crushing hitting and blocking wall), as we find that the skill of crushing hitting and blocking wall through which the team can resolve the point and thus resolve the stroke and then resolve the match In his favor and given the importance of physical and skill capabilities that the researchers tried to study because it is the best way by which to achieve the desired goal as well as finding a relationship of some physical and skill capabilities, and therefore the importance of the research lies in upgrading the physical and skill level of teams and players of volleyball Its through those placed physical and skill capabilities in the hands of the coaches and players to be a plan to start work on the development of those capabilities that contribute to the development of performance and thus the level of development of the game. Research objective: The muscular ability and its effect on the accuracy of the performance of the overwhelming hitting and firing wall of volleyball players, and this is achieved through: 1- Knowing the effect of developing the ability to accurately perform overwhelming hitting skill from Center (2), (4) 2- Knowing the effect of developing tolerance of the ability to accurately perform the blocking wall (individual and even). Recommendations: 1. Focusing on studying a trait that carries muscular ability and linking it to the basic skills in volleyball 2. Trying to design new tests in the volleyball game to keep pace with the reality of the game and be similar to what happens during matches 0 3. Application of the proposed training program using exercises withstand the muscular ability to develop the accuracy of the performance of the overwhelming hitting skill and blocking wall skill of volleyball players.

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