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Dr. Mohamed Mounir Ataiya Mohamed :: Publications:

The relationship of psychological combustion with the various degrees of volleyball referees
Authors: dr/ mohamed mounir
Year: 2017
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohamed Mounir Ataiya Mohamed_The relationship of psychological combustion with the various degrees of volleyball rulers.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Research Summary: There is no doubt that the practice of arbitration is a pure hobby in which the judgment bears heavy burdens and many troubles, but it is happy to be practiced and does not bother with its problems because it is practiced by them out of happiness and love for them, and therefore it always seeks success in it through continuous work with physical, technical and social obligations, and this is the summit Evolution and success to reach the highest levels and greatest scores. The referee is the athletic man who manages the match and works to protect the players. He also grants full power and final rulings. Therefore, he must have confidence in himself and in his ability to make decisions and his ability to rule and arbitrate, relying on himself in most cases where he is his sole judge. . Research objective: This research aims to identify "the psychological burning of volleyball sport rulers" through: 1- Designing a psychological combustion scale for volleyball referees under discussion. 2- Knowing the level of psychological combustion among volleyball sports rulers according to the degrees of referees enrolled in them in the Egyptian Volleyball Federation. Recommendations Recommendations addressed to the Egyptian Volleyball Federation: 1- Attention to applying the proposed psychological combustion scale to referees in referees ’promotion courses. 2- Interest in educating referees about the role played by sports psychology in raising the level of performance. 3- Conducting more research in the field of psychological preparation for referees in volleyball and various sporting activities due to the high level of arbitration. 4- Attention to the preparation and psychological rehabilitation programs for volleyball governors, especially the second and third degree

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