This study was designed to evaluate the impact oj epidural analgesia (EDA) during labor on the rate ofintrapartum fever (IFF) and neonatal outcome. and. to compare the safety and efficacy of cwo local anesthetic agents for EDA. Seventy:five primigravida were ailocated in three equal groups: control group received no analgesia. EDAR received EDA using ropivacaine 0.25% and EDAB received bupivacaine 0.25%. Epidural inJusion was discontinued atfull cervical dilaration. Patiencs were monitored
Jor sensory and motor blockade data. progress of labor. [he frequency and. time of occurrence of spontaneous rupcure of membrane (SROM) and the mode oj delivery. Macernal temperature was monitored and rime of occurrence. rrue and. degree oj IPF (~3SOC) and [he need for [rearmenc was assessed and neonaral outcome was evaLuated. IPF occurred in 30 parturients (5 concrol and 25 in EDA groups). with non-signifLCanc difference in mean temperature between both EDA groups and control group and versus each other. IPF occurred mainly in parruriencs e..'qJosed to prolonged duration ofEDA. with increased incidence ojSROM and meconium in liqlwr in febrile women. .'vforeover. aLL parruriencs required cesarean section (CS) wereJebrile. also there is increased needfor insmlmencal delivery inJebrile women. AUJeveTish parrurients receivedjluid. and anripyretiC therapy and. 8 required antibiocic treatment. Within [he ju-S[ 24h postpartwn. 3 patients in EDA group were stillJeveTish. but responded [0 treatment during the next day. Apgar score |