This study was designed as a trial to evaluate the combined use oj both hypotensive anesthesia and autotransjusion strategies jor reduction oj allogeneic blood transjusion during surgical correction oj scoliosis. Twenty (ASA I-II) patients were randomly allocated in two equal groups. group I received nonnotensive anesthesia and group II received hypotensive anesthesia and underwent intraoperative autotransjusion using cell saver (Haemacell System 350), both groups were assigned to receive allogeneic banked blood if they required. DUring surgery patients were monitoredjor heart rate (HR). mean arterial pressure (MAP). core temperature, central venous pressure (CVP) and urine output. Intraoperative blood loss ([OBL), postoperative blood loss (POBL) and total blood loss (TBL)
.were defined and calculated as a percentage ojestimated blood volume (EBV) and amount oj blood transjusion required was recorded. transfusion trigger hemoglobin concentration was considered to be |