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Prof. Mohamed Mohamed Refaat Mohamed :: Publications:

Compare the effect of ballistic exercises and weightlifting exercises on the ability of muscle and skill bulwark for volleyball players
Authors: Mohamed Refaat
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohamed Mohamed Refaat Mohamed_52.pdf
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The big development in the attacking skills in volleyball and diversity of performances beating landslide hit a landslide quick to hit the overwhelming high and hit a landslide from the region forehand to hit a landslide from the rear area and hit close to the network to hit the landslide is far from the grid , as well as combinations of offensive multi- repeated them and innovative , all require special abilities to the player based Balsd , and most important of these capabilities is the ability of muscle to the two men represented in the ability to jump to the top in less time as possible so that the existing Balsd catching balls multiplied third parties known of any center is the player who is on the attack and any kind of the attack to the large number of possibilities of attack and beating landslide in particular , whether from the anterior their position three or posterior region their position three also with the possibility of the existence of more than one type of attack each center six , this makes the ability to jump to a higher speed and production capacity of muscle faster than most requirements for substituted based Balsd 0        Indicates the researcher that strength training traditional muscle up the player to the ability of muscle maximum after a full second from the start of the performance , and this may be the reason for the delay in the performance of the skill bulwark proper and accurate and this may be caused by the poor level of performance skill bulwark for volleyball players in Egypt , if compared to the level of performance of this skill in Italy, for example , either the development of the ability of muscle training style ballistic making the player has the ability to reach the maximum capacity of the muscle in the time limits the ability of (0.2) seconds or less 0          He affirmed Flanigan Baker (flanagan s baker) (2001) that the strength training of traditional ( non- ballistic ) does not reach the player to the ability of muscle maximum only after a full second from the start of a repeat performance , and on the contrary, the training ballistic imposes on the player to reach the ability of muscle maximum limits in the fastest time of the ability of (0.2) 0 second ( 92 : 11) Ramy        Through follow-up researcher for the regular Egyptian volleyball experience researcher as a player and coach volleyball noted that a large number of points that lose the difference is due to the reason for the low level of skill bulwark , and the team who is on the attack often wins the point and this is what made ​​the team leaders choose to reception at the beginning of the game if they win the lottery , and because the team the future is that the team who is on the attack, and thus become an opportunity the team in scoring point bigger than the team sender , often winning the first point in the half and the game have a psychological impact of the good guys winning the point , unlike the other team to turn his thinking to how to offset point and win the tie, the researcher also noted that it is often the cause of failure in the performance of the skill of the player bulwark properly is impaired ability to jump quickly to the top and the reason may be due to lack of capacity development muscular manner that gives the ability

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