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Dr. mohamed nagyosman01

Academic Position: Lecturer

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Faculty: Commerce

Department: Accounting



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Publications [ Titles(4) :: Papers(4) :: Abstracts(4) ]

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Internet-Based Social Reporting in Emerging Economies: Insights From Public Banks in Egypt and The UAE [2019-05-11]
This paper examines how public banks operating in Egypt and the UAE respond to stakeholder' needs. It uses content analysis to explore the volume, nature, and quality of social information presented on the websites of these banks and the way in which these banks use web technology to report such information. The results indicate that public banks in both countries made more disclosures about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and community issues. Nevertheless, they lag behind stakeholders' expectations in regard to information about employees and cultural issues. more

Research Interests

Social Responsibility, Disclosures, Corporate Governance, Social Justice, Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Modern Slavery Issues

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