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Dr. Mohamed Reda Ali Mohamed :: Publications:

New exact solutions of Bratu Gelfand model in two dimensions using Lie symmetry analysis
Authors: Mohamed R.Ali
Year: 2020
Keywords: Two dimensions Bratu equation; Boundary value problems; Lie symmetry method; Exact solutions
Journal: Chinese Journal of Physics
Volume: 63
Issue: 1
Pages: 1-8
Publisher: Elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
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We explore new analytical solutions for the two-dimensional nonlinear elliptic Bratu equation. Through the point transformation, the integrable form of Bratu equation was investigated then we obtain the Lie infinitesimals for the new equation. These vectors reduce the integrable equaation to solvable ODEs then we use the boundary conditions (BCs) to spin two new exact solutions for Bratu equation in a unit square domain. A three-dimensional plot illustrates some resulting solutions. Comparison with other work has been presented.

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