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Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Salem Al-Aaser :: Publications:

Study of Conrad and Shaban deep brines, Red Sea, using bathymetric, parasound and seismic surveys
Authors: Mohamed Salem
Year: 2017
Keywords: Conrad Deep, Shaban Deep, Brines, Red Sea
Journal: NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics
Volume: 6 (2017) 90–96
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 90–96
Publisher: Open Access funded by National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Salem_Study of Conrad and Shaban deep brines, Red Sea, using bathymetric-NARIAG.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Red Sea was formed where African and Arabian plates are moving apart. Each year the plates drift about 2.5 cm farther apart, so that the Red Sea is slowly but steadily growing hence known as the next coming ocean simply an embryonic ocean. It is characterized by the presence of many deep fractures, located almost exactly along the middle of the Sea from northwest to southeast. Theses fractures have steep sides, rough bottom and brines coming up form on the bottom. Brine deposits are the result of subsurface magmatic activity. They are formed in graben structure as shown by the bathymetric, parasound and seismic studies in the investigated area.

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