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Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Salem Al-Aaser :: Publications:

Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Historical Minarets in Cairo
Authors: Mariam A. Sallam1, Hany M. Hassan1,*, Mohamed A. Sayed2, Hesham E. Abdel Hafiez1, Hesham Shaker Zahra3, and Mohamed Salem3
Year: 2023
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Geoenvironmental Disasters International Journal
Volume: Not Available
Issue: 2197-8670
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Geoenvironmental Disasters
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Salem_paper6.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Masonry minarets in Old Cairo are highly susceptible to earthquake damage, particularly those not designed or updated to withstand seismic loads. Therefore, regular monitoring is necessary to ensure their safety and detect any deterioration or reduction in seismic performance. The direct loss of a minaret can lead to the collapse or severe damage to the structure itself. The cascading impacts of partial or complete minaret failure can have significant consequences for the immediate vicinity and the broader community. By studying the effects of earthquakes on minarets and developing mitigation strategies, countries can take proactive measures to protect these structures and ensure the safety of people.

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