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Dr. Mohamed Samy Abbas Shehata :: Publications:

IRIS-TS: Detecting Interactions between Requirements in DOORS
Authors: Mohamed Shehita
Year: 2006
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: INFCOMP Journal of Computer Science
Volume: 5
Issue: 4
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohamed Samy Abbas Shehata_IRIS-TS Detecting Interactions between Requirements in DOORS.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper investigates the problem of requirement interactions which occurs due to negative relationships between requirements when developing software systems. This paper presents IRIS-TS (Requirements Interactions using Semi-formal methods - Tool Support) which identifies and detects requirement interactions using semi-formal methods in any software domain. IRIS-TS is implemented as an independent add-on module that can be added to DOORS (which is one of the most famous and commonly used requirements management tools). This paper presents also a case study in which the proposed IRIS-TS approach was successfully used as an add-on module in DOORS to detect interactions between smart homes requirements which represent a new application domain for interaction detection. The presented case study is the first comprehensive effort to fully detect interactions in the smart homes domain.

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