Title of master thesis: Comparative study between the uses of medicinal and non medicinal therapy in diarrhea and lactic acidosis in sheep.
Summary: Gastrointestinal disorders are of great economic importance among sheep diseases due to their high mortality rate, reduced weight gain and the cost of the treatment. This work was conducted for studying the most common digestive system disturbances which usually occur in sheep such as bacterial diarrhea and lactic acidosis. This study was planned to throw more light on: Studying the prevalence of bacterial enteritis and experimental induction of lactic acidosis in sheep. Recording the clinical signs, the hematological and biochemical changes associated with enteritis and induced lactic acidosis in sheep. Establish the relationship between diarrhea in sheep and the oxidant/antioxidant imbalance (L-MDA and SOD). Studying the rumen function in case of enteritis and lactic acidosis. Detection of the electrocardiographic and histopathological changes as supportive prognostic tool for enteritis. Comparing the therapeutic effect of nutmeg, yeast, gentian roots to the traditional chemical therapy used for treatment of diarrhea and lactic acidosis in sheep. Based upon the results of this work, we concluded that: Escherichia coli and Salmonella were the main cause of bacterial diarrhea in sheep. The diarrhea in sheep is associated with oxidant- antioxidant imbalance diagnosed by decrease in the level of SOD and increase in the level of MDA. Therefore, it’s recommended to give antioxidant to sheep during treatment diarrhea. Sheep which suffered from bacterial diarrhea and treated by oral administration of freshly minced nutmeg were recovered and symptoms disappeared after giving first dose. Live yeast is preferable in the prevention than in treatment of lactic acidosis in sheep because it stabilize the ruminal pH. Treatment of lactic acidosis in sheep by sodium bicarbonate and yeast give a good result and improve general health condition of the animal. It recommended using a combination of both sodium bicarbonate and live yeast because sodium bicarbonate raises the ruminal pH rapidly and yeast stabilizes it. Treatment of lactic acidosis by oral administration of freshly grated gentian root showed sluggish therapeutic response, so further investigation must be done before using gentian root alone in treating lactic acidosis. |