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Prof. mohamed saad ismail abdelmoaty :: Publications:

تأثير التدريبات الهوائية واللاهوائية على المتغيرات المناعية بين لاعبي المسافات الطويلة والقصيرة
Authors: محمد سعد اسماعيل
Year: 2017
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: International Scientific Journal, Ovidius University- Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport /Science, movement and health- Romania
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper mohamed saad ismail abdelmoaty_5.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

INFLUENCE OF AEROBIC AND ANAEROBIC TRAINING ON IMMUNE VARIABLES AMONG LONG AND SHORT DISTANCES PLAYERS GEHAD Nabia1, MOHAMED Saad2* Aim. Exercise as it relates to immunity is a mixed message. Regular, moderate-intensity physical activity been shown to help protect people against some diseases, particularly those that involve the upper respiratory track (like colds). However, too much exercise can have the opposite effect and reduce immunity. The aim of this study was to investigate influence of aerobic and anaerobic training on immune variables among long and short distances players. Methods. Fourteen male college player from Mansoura University Athletics (long distances - short distances),divided into (7) players long distances and (7) players short distances. As well as (4) players to the survey from outside the core sample for the study. Subjects were required to read and complete a health questionnaire and informed consent document; there was no history of injuries, diabetes or recent surgery. Results. The results revealed statistically significant differences between the two ranking measurements between pre and posttests (aerobic exercise) in Red blood cells, Hemoglobin, White blood cells, Lymphocytes, Neutrophils, IgA, IgE and IgG. In addition, no significant differences between the two ranking measurements between pre and posttests in platelets and Basophiles. There were statistically significant differences between the two ranking measurements between pre and posttests (aerobic exercise) in Red blood cells, Hemoglobin, White blood cells, IgA. And no significant differences between the two ranking measurements between pre and posttests in platelets, Lymphocytes, Neutrophils, Basophiles, IgE and IgG Conclusion: our suggestion is that male athletic scan improvement the immune variables via

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