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Prof. Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed :: Publications:

Building a knowledge test in the law of football referees Arab Republic of Egypt
Authors: Mohsen Haseb
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed_Building a knowledge test in the law of football referees Arab Republic of Egypt.doc
Supplementary materials Not Available

We have recently witnessed a rapid development in the football world- level players and the technical devices and since the introduction of professionalism modest in Egypt ask for it to change concepts and methods of managing the game at the level of the fans and the players and management , media and became the language of money is an essential element in the new system , which resulted in everyone tries to win in any way and the suspension of the failure to achieve appropriate results on the responsibility of rulers and increased the burdens and pressures on the football referees in the management of the games , which requires them to decisive confrontation through knowledge and understanding of the Constitution or laws of football and its amendments and interpretations as they bond and real foundation and the most important requirements for the success of the judgment in the management of the games. An individual can achieve the highest level of Athletic can be accessed through the knowledge and understanding of the activity that practiced , the more information becomes available this activity and mastery of knowledge theory and methods of application and multiplicity contributed to the development of a person's skills and access to the highest level allowed by his abilities (18 : 1) . And see Saber thanked (2003) that the phenomenon of professionalism in football and the subsequent competition stiff for monetary gain and the attendant phenomena of intolerance ,

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