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Prof. Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed :: Publications:

The impact of the use of multimedia on the level Performance of football referees in the Arab Republic of Egypt
Authors: Mohsen Haseb
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed_The impact of the use of multimedia on the level.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Contribute to modern technology in solving the problems of states and progress in all fields , in the field of football , which has become an important industry , and after the application of professionalism has become a technical analysis of the technological performance of the players cornerstone of the devices technical troubleshoot players and treated , and the strengths and weaknesses of the competing teams and to develop appropriate plans to address them , football referees and one of the main elements of the game , and to keep up with this development , they should take advantage of the technical analysis technology for their performance in the games to discover their mistakes and avoid them to provide the difference between justice and the safety of the players .           In the opinion of Abdullah Abdul Rahman ( 1999 ) that education must respond to the technological revolution to reflect the programs and activities of the elements of this technology on the one hand and benefit from inventions and products that revolution in the activation of their activities and facilitate their tasks and achieve their goals on the other hand (11 : 9) .                Explains Ali Abdul Majeed ( 1996 ) that the style of multimedia modern methods of learning which provides an important service if used carefully during the learning process as the verbal explanations are not enough, the learner can not understand the explanation , but within the limits of knowledge and information but can use media Borders provide more clarity about the experience and the activity to be learned ( 13:45 )        Tzkrnpilh and Abbas (1991) that the multimedia of factors that affect positively the learner , the teacher and the use of them in a variety contributes to achieving a better quality of learning (27 : 95 ) .          And Abdul- Hamid Sharaf (2000 m) that educational technology leads to flexibility in the education process in addition to the importance of using a computer in the field of sports where they can use the computer to learn motor activities during the analysis of movements and skills contained in course or training plans and determine the technical skills of these sports and the way learning and training appropriate to them, and contribute to facilitate and simplify the processes of learning psychomotor skills , in addition to shortening the learning process , which helps to improve the educational processes . (10 : 28.119 )              Mohsen explains Haseeb (2006 m) Computer highlights the positive role significantly in the educational process in the field of sports , especially when designing educational programs visible save time and effort and help the learner to understand and recognize the skill to be learned ( 261 : 15) .                  According to Mona Mahmoud ( 2000 ) , quoting David Pieri that the computer software multimedia works to improve the process of teaching and presentations more interactive , coordinated and integrated between the elements of sound and image animation, which increases reminds the learner of information and talked a development in the learning environment

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