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Prof. Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed :: Publications:

The impact of the integration of some of the methods of learning the skill level of physical performance and physiological in athletics for high school students
Authors: Mohsen Haseb
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed_The impact of the integration of some of the methods of learning the skill level of physical performance and physiological in athletics for high school students.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Subject educational situations to many variables , including the nature of eating skills or athletic movements in terms of teaching and learning Teaching and learning and maturity of the learner and the extent of the effort by the existing teaching to other variables within the framework of the trends of modern education , which it calls to be learner The role effective activity in the educational process , which is done through so-called methods Education teaching and learner learning purposes objectives predetermined to achieve them , and the most commonly used aimed at construction or installation , which represents the peculiarities of nature independent of the existing process of teaching , and lead these methods to increase the depth in the preparation of the learner , the aim of all these developments to improve the educational process in order to achieve the desired goals , and the use of modern methods in learning may depend teacher on more than one method in the module if required educational situation that, and occupies the educational process a prominent place among the priorities of this development and that are interested in aspects of the personality of the learner , and must the learner is characterized by the ability to note the application and the expectation and the conclusion and measurement 0         And describes Afaf Abdul Karim ( 1990 ) differing views and diversity on the best methods and most effective in teaching skills have been reached to the absence of one method of teaching methods suited to all pupils and fits all the circumstances , therefore, efficient teacher is the one who can choose the appropriate method to achieve the outputs learning expected , and so have a positive attitude learner not all that negative future cast him ( 84:8 ) . It also confirms Adila request ( 1989 ) that the methods of education among the most important factors that underpin the proper functioning of the educational process , a means by which transmits the teacher to the learner information and knowledge , and do not doubt that whenever the method followed by the teacher appropriate to the lesson material and age of learners and their potential physical and mental , whenever the learning process easier and faster

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