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Dr. Mona Mohammed Abdel aziz Barakat :: Publications:

The Effect of an Assertiveness Training Program on Schizophrenic Patients
Authors: Mona Mohamed Abdel Aziz BarakatProf.Dr. Abo zaid AbdAllah KhodiarProf. Dr. Maally Ibrahim ElmalkyProf.Dr. Nevein Mostafa Elashry
Year: 2015
Keywords: Schizophrenic patients; Assertiveness skills; Social dysfunction
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Health Care
Volume: 6
Issue: 1
Pages: 90-106
Publisher: mona mohamed abdel aziz
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mona Mohammed Abdel aziz_research doctora.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Chronic schizophrenic patients tend to be excessively compliant, submissive, and socially inhibited. Moreover, deficits in assertiveness skills are important components of social dysfunction in schizophrenia. Aim of the study: Aim of this study was to assess the effect of an assertiveness training program on assertiveness skills and self esteem of schizophrenic patients. Design: A quasi experimental design was used in this study. Setting This study was conducted at the Psychiatric Mental Health Hospital in Benha City, Kaluobia Governorate. Subjects: A convenience sample of chronic schizophrenic patients, study subjects included 60 male patients were recruited for the study, divided into equally two groups (control and study groups). The study group only was received the assertiveness training program. Tools for data collection: The study tools divided into three tools. Tool (1): Structured Interview Questionnaire to assess socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, tool (II): Assertiveness Scale, and tool (III): Self Esteem Scale. Results: The results indicated that the mean scores of assertiveness skills of the study group was improvement at post program implementation (21.16±1.80) comparing to pre program (10.40±3.83), and the results indicated that the mean scores of self esteem of the study group was improvement at post program implementation (19.86± 5.28) comparing to pre program (36.96±5.23), and was found a highly statistically significant negative correlation between self esteem and assertiveness level of the studied sample. Conclusion: The assertiveness training program had positive effect on assertiveness skills and self esteem of the schizophrenic patients after receiving assertiveness training program. Recommendation: Based on the results of this study we recommended, continuous follow-up for schizophrenic patients participating in assertiveness training program to support and boost their learning skills. Further studies, using a larger probability sample and female patients for generalization of the results.

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