J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol. 25(2):491-498 August (1995).
Efficacy of ELISA in diagnosis of strongyloidiasis among the immune-compromised patients.
Abdul-Fattah M., Mona E. Nasr, Yousef S. M., Ibrahim M. E. , Abdul Wahab S. E. And Soliman H. M.
Anti-strongyloides IgG, antibodies were sought by conventional ELISA techniques among 81 immunocompromised and 36 patients parasitologically dignosed to be infected by Strongyloides stercoralis through examining their GIT and sputum specimens, 30 individuals infected with other helminthes and 30 healthy parasitologically free individuals. The specificity of the technique using thawed and sonicated strongyloides larvae as an antigen was 100%. The sensitivity was respectively 92.2% and 13.3% among the immune-competent and immune-compromised. When anti-human biotinylated IgG and avidin-peroxidase conjugates were used sensitivity among both groups rose to 100% and specificity remained unchanged. Avidin-biotinylated ELISA is recommended for the diagnosis of hidden and disseminated strongyliodiasis.