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Prof. mona yehia mohamed osman shedia :: Theses :

Title Streetscape in Historic Urban Areas with special reference to Saieda Zeinab
Type MSc
Supervisors Rowayda Reda Kamel, Ahmed Mohamed Amine
Year 2008
Abstract The study discusses the streetscape in historic urban areas and the different needs and requirements of the users of the street while preserving the unique urban character of these areas. In spite of the multiple academic studies related to conservation and urban character many negatives and draw backs in streetscape projects in the areas oh historical values. The study aims at focusing on the standards related to streetscape design elements in historical areas while being aware of the sociological effects and values.
University Cairo University
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Title Street Environment Psychology - Towards an Approach for Appropriate Livability for Street Setting
Type PhD
Supervisors Rowayda Reda Kamel, Ahmed Mohamed Amine
Year 2017
Abstract The study discusses the streets as a liveable urban space where the different needs and activities of the users are put into consideration. To transform the streets into a live physical environment that fulfils the requirements of its users, environmental psychology needs to be studied as it constitutes a considerable wide spectrum of the study. It discusses the interactive relationship and the interaction between the person and the physical environment around him. Despite multiple studies related to environmental psychology, there are several setbacks and negativities in the application of the theoretic backgrounds from the practical point of view thus a methodology that emphasis the concepts of environment psychology as a more fitting frame for the urban performance. To formulate this methodology the complex interactive relation between the specialities and complex of environment psychology. (the field of the study) and the physical properties or the street and the environmental specifications(the user). The study consists of six chapters: Chapter one: Discusses the field the study which is environment psychology. Chapter two: this chapter identifies the livable streets through its constituent properties in addition to the extent of its relation to environment psychology Chapter three: Discuss the arrangement of Chapter four: aims to formulate the proposed methodology (aim of the study). Chapter five: Discuss the testing and application the frame of the study through its application on two of the local streets. Chapter six: Contains the final results of the study, recommendations and future
Keywords Street Environmental Psychology, Livable Street, Landscape Preference, Correlated Psychological Properties
University Cairo Unversity
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