Ass. Lect. Mostafa Ramdan Yousef Sakr :: Publications:

Authors: Mostafa Sakrorcid ; Mohamed Abdel-Monem; Karim El-Dash
Year: 2021
Keywords: Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector arrow Articles in Press arrow Current Issue Journal Archive Volume Volume 17 (2022) Volume Volume 16 (2021) Issue Issue 61 Issue Issue 60 Issue Issue 59 Issue Issue 58 Volume Volume 15 (2020) Volume Volume 14 (2019) Volume Volume 13 (2018) Volume Volume 12 (2017) Volume Volume 11 (2016) OPTIMIZATION OF REPETITIVE PROJECTS SCHEDULING IN CONSTRUCTION: ANALYSIS FOR THE STATE-OF-THE-ART METHODS Article 2, Volume 16, Issue 61, October 2021, Page 994-1006 XMLPDF (624.2 K) Document Type: Original Article DOI: 10.21608/AUEJ.2021.207516 Authors Mostafa Sakrorcid ; Mohamed Abdel-Monem; Karim El-Dash Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University, Cairo, Egypt. Abstract Construction projects which involve multiple similar units and a set of activities that is repeated in these units are knows as repetitive projects. Repetitive projects optimization is crucial for the project to succeed and to achieve its objectives. As a result, several optimization methods have been developed to satisfy several optimization objectives. These methods usually consider the most important constraints and factors that can impact the repetitive project schedule. These methods can be grouped into three groups: mathematical, heuristic, and metaheuristic methods. This paper investigated the developed methods to identify their objectives, implications, main features and limitations. The most important constraints that may affect repetitive projects were also examined to be used in further optimization models. A quantitative analysis for the developed methods is also addressed in the paper. On the basis of this work, implications and guidelines for future research are addressed to enhance repetitive projects optimization and to cover the current unresolved problems. مشاريع التشييد التي تشمل العديد من الوحدات المتشابهة و مجموعة من الأنشطة التي تتکرر في هذه الوحدات تسمي المشاريع التکرارية. تعتبر أَمْثَلَة المشاريع التکرارية مصيرية من اجل نجاح المشروع و تحقيق اهدافه. و بالتالي، تم تطوير العديد من طرق الأمثلة من أجل تحقيق أهداف الأَمْثَلَة المتعددة. و هذه الطرق عادةً ما تأخذ في الاعتبار العديد من القيود التي تؤثر علي الجدول الزمني للمشروع التکراري. يمکن تقسيم هذه الطرق إلي ثلاث مجموعات: الطرق الرياضية، الطرق الاستدلالية، و الطرق الاستدلالية العليا. تقوم هذة الورقة البحثية بفحص و التحقق من الطرق المطورة الحالية لتحديد الأهداف، و التضمينات و الاعتبارات، و الخصائص الرئيسية، و أوجة القصور بها. لقد قام البحث أيضاً بفحص أهم القيود التي قد تؤثر علي المشاريع التکرارية من أجل استخدامها في نماذج الأمثلة المستقبلية. تم عمل تحليل کمي أيضاً للطرق المطورة في هذا البحث. بناءاً علي هذا العمل، تم تناول و توضيح التضمينات و الاعتبارات و التوجيهات للابحاث المستقبلية من أجل تحسين أمثلة المشاريع التکرارية و تقديم حلول للمشاکل الحالية. Keywords Repetitive projects; Construction planning; Scheduling; Optimization
Journal: Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector
Volume: 16
Issue: 61
Pages: 994-1006
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Mostafa Ramdan Yousef Sakr_AUEJ_Volume 16_Issue 61_Pages 994-1006.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Construction projects which involve multiple similar units and a set of activities that is repeated in these units are knows as repetitive projects. Repetitive projects optimization is crucial for the project to succeed and to achieve its objectives. As a result, several optimization methods have been developed to satisfy several optimization objectives. These methods usually consider the most important constraints and factors that can impact the repetitive project schedule. These methods can be grouped into three groups: mathematical, heuristic, and metaheuristic methods. This paper investigated the developed methods to identify their objectives, implications, main features and limitations. The most important constraints that may affect repetitive projects were also examined to be used in further optimization models. A quantitative analysis for the developed methods is also addressed in the paper. On the basis of this work, implications and guidelines for future research are addressed to enhance repetitive projects optimization and to cover the current unresolved problems.

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