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Ass. Lect. Moustafa Adel Ibrahim :: Publications:

Analysing the Economic and Operational Indicators for Railways: the Case Study of Egyptian Railways
Authors: Moustafa Adel Ibrahim, Ahmed Abd Elmoamen Khalil, Karim Mohamed Eldash
Year: 2017
Keywords: railway performance indicators, operating performance, financial performance, railway productivity, freight transportation, passenger transportation, pricing
Journal: Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Moustafa Adel Ibrahim_ID20170313 Modified.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The Egyptian National Railways (ENR) is considered the first railway system that was created in Africa and Middle East; and the second country having railways system in the world after United Kingdom, where the first line was created on 12 July 1851 and operated in 1853. Railway is the main transport mode for carrying passengers and goods in Egypt. The total line length extends to 5,130 kilometers, or 9,560 track kilometers. Most transport projects in general, and railways in particular, are characterized with high capital cost, low relative return and long period required for recovering it. Consequently, private sector is usually reserved about participation. There are some problems, that could negatively affect the improvement of ENR such as no measuring the economic and operating indicators that expressing the actual performance of ENR. The available data of operation and finance of ENR have not been also analyzed or evaluated in a correct manner. On the other hand, the impact of the Egyptian revolution in 2011 on the productivity and performance of ENR has not been evaluated. ENR has experienced decreasing in transport of passengers and goods due to failure in management, limited resources and decrease of fleet. The weight of transport goods decreased from 12.2 million ton in 2004 to 3 million ton in 2013 and number of passenger decreased from 450 million passenger in 2002 to 207 million passenger in 2013. Therefore, this study comes to study the economic indicators affecting the operation of Egyptian National Railways and tools used to analyze it. Where, the analysis includes operating and financial performance indicators in terms of, passenger traffic, freight volume, overcrowding rate, no. of accidents, existing fleet, time delaying, revenues, costs and deficits after finishing from analyzing. These performance indicators, in terms of, Labor productivity, pound productivity and trip productivity, were also evaluated. In addition, analyzing the strategy and methodology for calculation of ticket price in ENR were also conducted. The study addressed the negative effects of Egyptian revolution 2011 on the operating and financial performance of ENR. Finally, reasons for the deterioration of the railway and necessary recommendations to improve the performance of the railway were pointed out.

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