The major concern to evaluate the transformer
loading ability to feed a load is the capability to transfer the
internal generated heat of the windings, core, and structural
parts to its ambient. The climatic conditions play an important
role for evaluating the loading ability of a transformer. Hence,
in the planning stage, the long-term climatic characteristics are
a crucial issue. The thermal limit of the loading capability is
referred to the winding hottest spot temperature. This paper is
aiming to present the long-term ambient temperature change
effect on the loss of life and cost effectiveness of a transformer
located in two different regional climatic conditions. The
climatic conditions are modeled on basis of daily ambient
temperature. The transformer loading was measured for a 2.5
MVA, mineral oil, and ONAN cooling type transformer at
certain region. The same loading is considered for the same
transformer size and type at another region to show the impact
of the diversity of regional climatic characteristics on the
thermal performance. The results demonstrate the loss of life
and cost effectiveness of the transformer is a function of the
ambient temperature. The considered transformer is a 2.5
MVA, mineral oil, and ONAN cooling type.