You are in:Home/Publications/Q. Abbas, Mostafa E.A. Ibrahim, and M. Jaffar. Video scene analysis: an overview and challenges on deep learning algorithms. Springer J Multimed Tools Appl (Impact Factor2017: 1.54) (2017), 77(16):20415-20453.

Dr. Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Ibrahim :: Publications:

Q. Abbas, Mostafa E.A. Ibrahim, and M. Jaffar. Video scene analysis: an overview and challenges on deep learning algorithms. Springer J Multimed Tools Appl (Impact Factor2017: 1.54) (2017), 77(16):20415-20453.
Authors: Mostafa E.A. Ibrahim; Q. Abbas; M. Jaffar
Year: 2018
Keywords: Deep learning; Computer vision; Video processing; Activity classification; Scene interpretation; Video description; Video captioning
Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications
Volume: 77
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 20415–20453
Publisher: Springer
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Ibrahim_Video Scene Analysis - An Overview And Challenges on Deep learning algorithms_compressed.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Video scene analysis is a recent research topic due to its vital importance in many applications such as real-time vehicle activity tracking, pedestrian detection, surveillance, and robotics. Despite its popularity, the video scene analysis is still an open challenging task and require more accurate algorithms. However, the advances in deep learning algorithms for video scene analysis have been emerged in last few years for solving the problem of real-time processing. In this paper, a review of the recent developments in deep learning and video scene analysis problems is presented. In addition, this paper also briefly describes the most recent used datasets along with their limitations. Moreover, this review provides a detailed overview of the particular challenges existed in real-time video scene analysis that has been contributed towards activity recognition, scene interpretation, and video description/captioning. Finally, the paper summarizes the future trends and challenges in video scene analysis tasks and our insights are provided to inspire further research efforts.

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