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Dr. Moustafa Ismail Omr Ibrahim :: Publications:

Influence of Low Static Magnetic Field (SMF) on Immature Development and Survival of The Mosquito, Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae)
Authors: Moustafa Ibrahim and Mohamed M. Baz
Year: 2020
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences E. Medical Entom. & Parasitology
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Pages: 11-18
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mustafa Ismail Omr Ibrahim_EAJBSE_Volume 12_Issue 2_Pages 11-18.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

In this study, experiments were performed to investigate the effect of the low static magnetic field (SMF) on hatchability, development, and survival of Culex pipiens mosquito immature under laboratory conditions. Egg-rafts of Cx. pipiens were exposed to SMF at different intensities of 5 mT, 25 mT, and 50 mT for 20 minutes at a temperature of 28±1 ºC. Hatching rate, hatching delay time, and larval development significantly affected by SMF. The numbers of hatched larvae decreased with increasing SMF at 50 mT (133.33 ± 6.0) as compared to the control (302.23 ± 10.9). Also, the hatching rate significantly lengthened (P < 0.05) with high intensity of SMF. A total of 88.3% and 44.33% eggs hatched at 5 mT and 50 mT, respectively. For Cx. pipiens immatures, the duration time shortened and survival (%) reduced after exposure to high dose (50 mT) than to low dose (5 mT). We concluded that SMF affects egg hatchability and immature development which could be applied as a strategy in mosquito control.

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