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Dr. Naglaa Fathi Mohamed :: Publications:

Correlation between Marital, Job Satisfaction and Psychological Security among Staff Members of Benha Faculty of Nursing.
Authors: Mawaheb M. Zaki, Naglaa F. Elattar
Year: 2016
Keywords: Marital, job satisfaction, psychological security nursing, Benha .
Journal: Menoufia Nursing Journal
Volume: 1
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Naglaa F. Elattar
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Naglaa Fathi Mohamed_correlaion between job and marital satisfacion.docx .pdf
Supplementary materials Naglaa Fathi Mohamed_correlaion between job and marital satisfacion.docx .pdf

Background: Psychological security can influence marital satisfaction and job satisfaction. Increase in marital conflicts and problems can significantly decrease job satisfaction, and increasing marital satisfaction can significantly increase job satisfaction. Purpose of the study: Assess the relationship between marital satisfaction, job satisfaction and psychological security among staff members of Benha Faculty of Nursing. Research question: What is the level of psychological security among staff members in faculty of nursing Benha university? Is there a relationship between psychological security, marital and job satisfaction among staff members in faculty of nursing Benha university? Design: Descriptive correlational research design was utilized in this study. Setting: This study was conducted in faculty of nursing Benha university. Subjects: This study was carried on 601 teaching staff members and their assistants. Instruments of data collection: The following instruments were used for data collection: Instrument One: Structured interview questionnaire which consisted of two parts: Part one included: social characteristics, Part two:- Job satisfaction scale. Instrument Two: Index of Marital Satisfaction (Ins). Instrument Three: Psychological security scale. Results: The majority of them were married since 5-60years and they were live in rural communities, members of Benha faculty of nursing. More than half (555555& 5151%) of the studied subjects had high level of job and marital satisfaction. Meanwhile, only 059.5& .55.5 had low level of job and marital satisfaction. Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between marital satisfaction, job satisfaction and psychological security among staff. Recommendations: This research can be conducted in other organizations and comparison can be made between levels of job, marital satisfaction and psychological security.

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