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Dr. Naglaa Mashal Mohamed Ali Emam :: Publications:

Molecular Modeling and Antimicrobial Screening Studies on Some 3-Aminopyridine Transition Metal Complexes
Authors: Islam M. I. Moustafa*, Naglaa M. Mohamed, Sahar M. Ibrahim
Year: 2022
Keywords: 3-Aminopyridine, Transition Metal Complexes, Biological, Cytotoxic Activities, Molecular Orbital Calculation, Density Functional Theory
Journal: Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Volume: 12
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 39-56
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Naglaa Mashal Mohamed Ali Emam_paper search dr moustafa shahine ,sahar.pdf
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Seven transition metal complexes of Mn2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ with 3-aminopyridine (3-APy) as ligand have been synthesized, characterized by different techniques and their antibacterial activities were studied. Molecular modeling calculations were performed using DMOL3 program in materials studio package which is designed for the realization of large scale density functional theory calculation (DFT). The quantum mechanical and chemical reactivity parameters such as chemical hardness, chemical potential, electronegativity, electrophilicity index and Homo-Lumo energy gap were obtained theoretically and were used to understand the biological activity of the prepared compounds. Some complexes were tested for their in -vitrocytotoxic activity in human lung cancer cell lines (A-549 cell line), and structure-activity relationships were established. In general, the coordination to Co2+ increased the cytotoxicity while the Ni2+ complexes show reduced cytotoxic activity compared to the metal-free 3-aminopyridine.

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