Dr. Nahed El Ayyaat :: Publications:

Authors: Mohamed A. Fouda, 2Mahmoud A. Swilam, Nahed M. Ayyat, Vehal I. Bagger
Year: 2013
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Nahed El Ayyaat _Binder1.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The present study aims to detect Helicobacter pylori by isolation of samples (stool, saliva, dental plaque) hom patients suffering hom gastric disorders and to study the transmission of Helicobacter pylori by isolation from other samples (water, milk, luncheon, sausage, Frankfurt, and beat). This study has been carried out on 50 cases including 35 sputum samples, 29 dental plaque samples, and 35 stool samples. All of samples were collected from patients suffering from gastroduodenal disorders (gastritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer). Patients were 16 males and 34 females, with ages ranging from 16 -75 years. Twenty water samples (10 samples before water station, 10 samples after water station), 10 milk samples, 10 luncheon samples, 5 bear samples, 10 frankfurt samples, and 10 sausage samples were collected from the environ¬ment surrounding the patients. Two types of antibiotic sensitivity test were done for the tested isolate of H.pylori. The first was plant extract sensitivity test in which equal volumes of plant ex¬tract were put into wells cut by sterile cork borer and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. The sec¬ond was the antibiotic sensitivity test in which the antibiotic discs were placed on surface of chocolate agar plates heavily streaked with young culture of H. pylori and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. he study showed that there is a significant correlation between age of patients and B pylori in-fection (P= a 013) as well as a correlation between the pathogenicity and the prevalence of H.pylori. The study shows a significant correlatin between the samples of foodstuffs and positive H.pylori and no significant correlatin between water samples and H.pylori. It is found that H.pylori is highly sensitive to white pepper, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Syzy¬gium aromaticum, and followed by black pepper, Apium graveolens, Curninum cyminum. Helico¬bacter pylori showed less sensitivity to Martricaria chamomilla, Elettaria cardamom= Solenos¬temna arghel, and highly resistant to Nigella sativa, Foeniculum vulgare, Zinigber officinal's, Rosmarinus officinal's, and Allium sativum. H. pylori is highly susceptible to Cefotaxime , and Ertapenem ,followed by Ceftriaxonc, imipe¬nem, and Ceftazidime while H.pylori showed less sensitivity to Levolloxacin, Ciprotlaxachr, and E-Moxaday. Keywords; Helicobacter pylori, Antibiotic sensitivity test, H.pylori transmission

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