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Dr. Nahed Abdel Fattah Mohamady :: Publications:

On a nonlinear delay population model
Authors: Istvan Gyoria, Ferenc Hartunga, Nahed A. Mohamady
Year: 2015
Keywords: Delay Differential Equations, Population Models, Persistence, Asymptotic Behaviour
Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation
Volume: 270
Issue: 1
Pages: 909 - 925
Publisher: elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Nahed Abdel Fattah Mohamady_gyori_hartung_mohamady_revised.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

A nonlinear delay differential equation is considered. Sufficient conditions are established for the uniform permanence of the positive solutions of the equation. In several particular cases, explicit formulas are given for the upper and lower limit of the solutions. In some special cases, we give conditions which imply that all solutions have the same asymptotic behavior, in particular, when they converge to a periodic or constant steady-state.

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