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Dr. Nancy Aboelgheit Dawood :: Publications:

Role of Prostatic Stem Cell Antigen (PSCA) and Snail in Different Prostatic Lesions (An immunohistochemical Study)
Authors: Not Available
Year: 2021
Keywords: Prostatic carcinoma, PSCA, Snail.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Nancy Aboelgheit Dawood_Manuscript edit 3.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: Prostatic carcinoma (PCa) represents the second most common cancer, and the fifth leading cause of cancer death among males worldwide. PSCA is a GPI-anchored cell surface protein. It belongs to the Thy-1/Ly-6 family which shows a functional diversity ranging from T-cell activation to apoptosis regulation. Snail is one of zinc finger proteins which are transcriptional repressors of E-cadherin. Aim: To study PSCA and Snail expression in different prostatic lesions to evaluate their roles in PCa. Material and Methods: This retrospective study was done upon 80 different prostatic lesions; 17 cases of BPH, 13 cases of HGPIN, and 50 cases of PCa. PSCA and Snail immunostaining was done and assessed for each case. Results: There was a highly significant statistical correlation between both PSCA and Snail expressions and histopathological type (P-value

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