You are in:Home/Publications/Molecular Study of Campylobacter jejuni Isolated from Chicken, Dairy Cattle and Human to Determine Their Zoonotic Importance

Prof. Nashwa Osman Khalefa :: Publications:

Molecular Study of Campylobacter jejuni Isolated from Chicken, Dairy Cattle and Human to Determine Their Zoonotic Importance
Authors: 1 2 3 Nashwa O.Khalifa, Mervat E.I.Radwan and Mona, M.Sobhy 1 2 Dept. Zoonoses, Dept.Infectious Diseases, Fac.Vet.Med. Benha University.
Year: 2013
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Nashwa Osman Khalefa_IDOI Campylobacter.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Campylobacter jejuni is still the main causes of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide. This work was done to investigate the fingerprinting of Campylobacter jejuni isolated from chicken, dairy cattle and human. Fecal samples were collected from 100 diarrheic chicken and dairy cattle (50 of each) as well as 50 stool samples from patients with diarrhea were subjected to standard isolation and identification of Campylobacter jejuni. DNA of isolates was amplified using specific primer of hippuricase gene. The prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni was 18(36%) chicken, 16 (32%) dairy cattle and 11(22%) patients with diarrhea. PCR analysis produced identical bands at 344 bp in all isolates, indicating the role of chicken and dairy cattle in human Campylobacter infection

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