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Prof. Nashwa Osman Khalefa :: Publications:

Dairy Cows as a Possible Reservoir of Enteropathogenic and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli
Authors: Nashwa, O. Khalifa, ** Ebtesam, M. Mazyed and *** Nahla, A. Abou-El Roos
Year: 2007
Keywords: Enteropathogenic,enterohemorrhagic,Reservoir
Journal: Zag.Vet.J.
Volume: 35
Issue: 2
Pages: 167-171
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Nashwa Osman Khalefa_Dairy cows as possible reservoir of enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli1.doc
Supplementary materials Not Available

Enteropathogenic (EP) and enterohemorrhagic (EH) Escherichia coli (EC) were studied in raw milk and fecal shedding of apparently healthy dairy cattle. A total of 120 samples from raw milk and fecal samples (60 samples of each) were collected. The bacteriological examination of the collected samples revealed that EPEC was isolated from 5 raw milk samples (8.3%) and 12 fecal samples (20%). While EHEC was identified in 3 (5%) and 7 (11.6%) in raw milk and fecal samples respectively. Serological investigation revealed that EPEC isolated from raw milk and fecal samples were serotyped as O26, O55, O111, O119, O127 and O128,. While 7 (70%) EHEC isolated from raw milk and fecal samples were belonged to O157: H7 serotype. Presence of the same serotypes of EPEC and EHEC in raw milk and fecal samples is an indicative for contamination of raw milk with bovine feces. The public health importance of those microorganisms and suggested control measures to prevent contamination were discussed.

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