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Dr. Nasr Taha Hassan Arafa :: Publications:

The Impact of Internet on the Corporate Financial Reporting: The Egyptian Experts’ perceptions
Authors:  Nasr T. Hassan
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: journal of commercial studies and researches, University of Benha
Volume: , vol.2.
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Nasr Taha Hassan Arafa_The Impact of Internet.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of internet on corporate financial reporting in Egyptian companies. The paper used the issues and concerns elicited through a Delphi study into the future of corporate financial reporting by 2010 as a conceptual framework for this investigation. The survey was utilized to obtain the perceptions of a sample represent the widest possible range of constituencies involved in corporate financial reporting; academics, auditors, financial managers and financial analysts. The results showed that Egyptian experts believe that using the internet will not lead to intuitive differences in financial reporting, and the basic developments in IFR are providing information under multiple bases and more frequency reports. Also, they think that traditional annual reports will be continued. This paper extends the controversial debate about IFR into developing country Egypt.

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