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Dr. Nasr Taha Hassan Arafa :: Publications:

Corporate Characteristics, Corporate Governance and Timeliness of Corporate Internet Reporting: Evidence From Saudi Listed Companies
Authors:  Naser T. Hassan and Magdy M. Abdulhakim
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Journal of accounting and auditing, Beni Suef University
Volume: vol.2
Issue: no. 2.
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Nasr Taha Hassan Arafa_Timeliness.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relation between both corporate characteristics and corporate governance and timeliness of corporate internet reporting by the listed Saudi. The disclosure index was constructed to measure timeliness of corporate internet reporting, which our measure of timeliness is based on 13 criteria. The regression model is used to examine the relation between variables. Our results revealed that all corporate chrateristics variables is sigificantly associated with timeliness. Concerning corporate governance variables, only board size and role duality are associated with timeliness, while block ownership, independence of the board, and audit committee quality has no association with timeliness. The importance of the study is derived from the need to benefit from the unique characteristics of the internet in providing timely information of the companies on their websites; consequently, the results could provide important implications to Saudi authorities. This paper extends the prior literature through examining two variables which have no attentioninin previous studies; time of issuance financial statements and quality of audit committee.

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