In spite of the evidence suggesting that many cannabinoids addicts are victims of infertility. yet there is little information about the extent of fertilitly affection and rvhether it is unilir'nr on all f'ertilit)/ pararneters ot'rtot. Irt order to
clarify these issues. thc e{'1'ects of acute and chrottic catrtrabinoid agonist
(ba'go) rrr6alation on dil.lcrcnt selnen paranreters, serLltl-l gonadotropltins,
prolactin levels and testicular lirrrc'tions were studied. The results of this studl'
revealed that acute bango inhalatiorr resulted irr a statistically significant
reductio, in spel.p yiabilitr (1t, 0 05) and rnottlity (p0.05)
Cluonic balgo inhalati1n causecl a rnarked degerterative cliartges and depletion
of sperrratogenic cells in rnost seruinif-erous tubules augrnented by concolnitaltt
i'haiatiop of tobacco and bango u,lrich did not retunr back to normal levels after
30 days of treatment tenninatiorr. In conclusion, bango inhalation has a seriotts
deleterioLrs effects ott tnale fbLtilitv and sex ltonnotres. |