-{pproximatcly 15 7o of couples attempting their first pregn'lncy rneet with failure' It is not uncommon to
meet a male factor or inrertitity due to idiofiathic spermatogenic a rrest. This stucly aimcd to assess the effect of
both lormonal and non-hoimonal therapy df inferiitity' Pentoxifylline (PTXXISS mg/kg/day)' Lcarnitine(
t""o*Uinant follicie stimulating trormone (r-FSH) (30 lUikg every other day) were
rused in spermatogenic arrested rat modet (previously tt-*tga.rvith S'C' administration'ot 25 mg/kg /day
colchicine). The seminal fluid parameters, testicular liistologicat changes and serun levelsofFSH'LH'and
;;il;i;; rr.ere studied. colchicine administration produced a markecl and statistically signi{icant decrease in
seminal parsmeters and spermatogenells. prX treated rat model showed a statistically significant increase in
,plir" "i' count (pg.is ). seuri FsH, LH nrrd prolactin levcls shorvcd no statistir:ally significant deviation front
normal corrtrol levels. pTX giveu together t"ittr u carnitine, rcvcalecl a statistically significant intprovement in
all sperm paramerers and in iesticuh; histology. It showed-a-statistically significant itrcrease in sperm celt count
,*obil sierm viability (p |