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Prof. Nassr mosad ahmed sayed ahmed :: Publications:

Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Failure in Pediatric Patients with Hydrocephalus
Authors: Alaa A. Farg MD, Ahmed Sleem MD,Nasser M Sayed Ahmed MD and Fathy Elnos MD
Year: 2008
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: EJNS
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Nassr mosad ahmed sayed ahmed_VP shunt failure in pediatric (1).PDF
Supplementary materials Not Available

Objective: Despite advances in cerebrospinal ftuid (CSF) diversionary techniques, shunt failure due to infection or malfunction remains a persistent problem in hydrocephalus care. The aim of this study was to identifi risk faciors prediiposing to ripeatri CSF ,hunt malfunction and to determine whether subsequent ihunt failures at'e related to patient characteristics, and/or surgical details. Patienti and Methods: There were 195 shunt failures in 130 patients with hydrocephalus requirins CSF diversionary procedures were inciuded in a prospective observational study during 9 years in Benha -University Hospital. patient characteristics were defined as age, gender, weight, head circumference, cause of hydrocephalus; and the shape of ventricular systems. Surgical details aid procedures were studied to define any relation to the incidence of shunt failure. Results: Th) patient,s age at the time of initial shunt placement is important predictor of repeated shuni yailurer. rhrp were signfficant association between the cause of hyd.rocephilus, and the shap'e of ventricular system; and shunt failure. Some surgiccl details and procedures were associated with an increased risk of failure included whether the proceQui" ,o, performed on an emergency or non-emergency basis, manipulation of the shunt hardwor"; oid the duration of"surgical procedure. Conclusion: The patient's age at the time of initial shunt placement as well as the cause of hydrocephalus and the shape ofventricular system are important preflictors of shunt fail-ures' Some surgical procedures were associated with an incriasecl riik oy shunt- related failure' Prevention and early identffication and management of CSF shunt faiiures remain the main factors to assure the quality of the patient's long term out"o*".

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