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Dr. Nehal Magdy Hussein Hassan :: Publications:

Using Systemic Functional Grammar Approach for Developing EFL Written Grammar Skills and Reducing EFL Writing Anxiety among Student Teachers at the Faculty of Education
Authors: nehal magdy
Year: 2021
Keywords: Systemic functional grammar approach; EFL Written grammar skills; EFL Writing anxiety
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Nehal Magdy Hussein Hassan _using systemic functional.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of systemic functional grammar approach in developing EFL written grammar skills and reducing the EFL writing anxiety among student teachers at the Faculty of Education. The participants of this study included (50) students (control and experimental group) enrolled in the English section at Faculty of Education, Benha University. The instruments of the study included an EFL grammar skills test, and an EFL writing anxiety scale. The study followed adopted the two groups (control and experimental) pre-post nonequivalent control group design. The dependent variables were measured before and after the experiment for both groups. The results were statistically analyzed and revealed that “there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the control group and that of the experimental group in the post-assessment of the EFL written grammar skills test in favor of the experimental group, where the t-value is (8.751 ), which is significant at the (0.01) level of significance. Also, the results revealed that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the control group and that of the experimental group in the post-assessment of the overall EFL writing anxiety scale in favor of the experimental group, where the t-value is (7.262), which is significant at the 0.01 level of significance. Therefore experimental groups’ EFL written grammar skills were developed and their writing anxiety was reduced as a result of using the systemic functional grammar approach. It is recommended that a systemic functional grammar approach should be embedded in different educational stages to develop EFL student teachers’ written grammar skills and reduce their writing anxiety.

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