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Prof. Neveen Emad Ali :: Publications:

Skin manifestations in Egyptian diabetic patients: a case series study
Authors: EM Sanada; MM El-Fangary, NE Soroura, Noha M. ElNemisya
Year: 2013
Keywords: Cutaneous Manifestations, Diabetes Mellitus
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology
Volume: 33
Issue: 2
Pages: 56-62
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background Skin manifestations in diabetes mellitus (DM) are quite common. Skin changes can manifest in the prediabetic stage, in the acute metabolic situation and in the late diabetic degenerative stage. Objective To study the prevalence and the pattern of cutaneous manifestations among diabetic patients to aid in better management of diabetic skin diseases. Patients and methods One hundred patients with DM having at least one skin manifestation were selected and subjected to a detailed dermatological and systemic examination, and the findings were recorded. Blood samples were obtained for random blood glucose level. Results The most prevalent findings were cutaneous infections (40%), followed by pruritus (11%), local reactions at the site of insulin injection (8%), vitiligo (8%), diabetic dermopathy (7%), periungual telangectasia (6%), and xanthelasma (5%). The prevalence of skin manifestations was higher as the duration of diabetes increased and was more in type II than in type I diabetic patients. Conclusion The early detection of skin manifestations in DM is of prime importance to be able to avoid and/or properly manage the complications and prevent disability

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