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Dr. Nehad Ahmed Ibrahim :: Publications:

Perception about Premarital Screening and Genetic Counseling Among Males And Females Nursing Students
Authors: Maha Ali,1Norelhouda Elshabory1 , Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan 2. Nehad Zahra 3, Hayam Alrefai4
Year: 2018
Keywords: Premarital, genetic, screening, counselling,
Journal: IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Pages: 51-57
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Nehad Ahmed Ibrahim Zahra_F0701065157.pdf
Supplementary materials Nehad Ahmed Ibrahim Zahra_F0701065157.pdf

Premarital screening is a unique one of the almost important plans and strategies for preventing genetic disorders and congenital anomalies. The Nurse has an integral role in providing genetic services that include assessing genetic risk, provides information, discussing available testing options and provides appropriate supportive counseling. Aim: To explore nursing student's perception toward premarital screening (PMS) and genetic counseling (GS). Methods: A cross-sectional design used at Faculty of Nursing Suez Canal University from September to December2016. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 203 third academic years both gender students. The self-administer questionnaire contained 3 core sections; the first involves socio-demographic data, the second includes the students' knowledge and information regarding the PMS and GC. Whilst the third portion of it was to discover their attitudes for the screening by using a Likert scale. Results: Most (78.3%) of the study participants were perceptive about the premarital screening availability. Their information main sources about PMSGC were studying at the faculty (63.6%), mass media (58.1%), family and friends and health care providers (56%). (94%) supposed it is important to carry out premarital screening and come to an agreement to perform the screening. Nearby two third (63.3%) favor an obligatory procedure of PMSGC just before marriage and near two third (59.6%) chosen making laws to prevent marriage if positive results. there was a highly significant correlation among study subjects’ total knowledge and their total attitude (p-value

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