Zika virus has potential to cause a pandemic so it becomes a major public health concern
worldwide. Even if its effect on adults is commonly mild, Zika creates expressive risks for developing fetuses of
infected women during pregnancy. The present study is quasi-experimental study aiming to examine the impact
of Zika Virus Infection educational program for pregnant women on their knowledge, attitude and practice
before and after applying for the program.
Setting: The study was performed at antenatal clinics in maternal and child health care center at Benha city from
the beginning of August 2015 until October2015. The study sample consisted of105 pregnant women simple
randomly included in the study. The data was collected through a structured Interviewing questionnaire for the
mother to assess the level of women's knowledge attitude and reported practice related to ZIK virus were
assessed before and after the program. The results revealed that there was a significant improvement in the
nurses' knowledge score about Meaning, causative agent, Vaccine, symptoms, complications, investigations, and
management of Zika virus; moreover, there was an improvement in total reported practices about Zika tends to
Conclusion: There was an improvement in knowledge, attitude, and practice of the participant's post-program.
Based on the results of the study recommended that: Health education to pregnant women about the Zika virus
should be included in the antenatal health education program as well as the need for additional public health
messaging to avoid it. |