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Assist. nihal taha :: Publications:

Effect of Educational Program on Mothers’ Knowledge and Reported Practices regarding their Children Suffering from Short Stature
Authors: Nihal T. Abdelbaky, Faten S. Mahmoud and Samah A. Mohamed
Year: 2024
Keywords: Children, Educational Program, Mothers’ Knowledge, Reported Practices, Short Stature.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Nihal T. Abdelbaky
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper nihal taha_(1).docx nehal paper.pdf
Supplementary materials nihal taha_(1).docx nehal paper.pdf

Short stature is a low height for age of the child compared to the standard child of the same age. Short stature children experience impaired physical and mental development, low immunity, impaired nutrition and health, and low academic achievement and impact on productivity. Aim of the study: Evaluating the effect of educational program on mothers ‘knowledge, reported Practices and attitude regarding their Children suffering from Short Stature. Research design: Quasi-experimental design was utilized. Research settings: The current research was performed in Outpatient of Endocrinology Clinic at Benha University Hospital and Health Insurance Hospital at Benha city. Research sample: A purposive sample of 70 mothers and their children suffering from short stature. Tools of data collection: tool I: A structured interview questionnaire sheet consisted of 3 parts, part one: Mothers’ characteristics, part two: Children characteristics and part three: Mothers’ knowledge regarding short stature, tool II: Mother s' reported practice regarding short stature and tool III: Mothers’ attitude towards short stature. Research results: The majority of mothers had good knowledge, satisfactory practice and positive attitude post educational program implementation. Conclusion: The educational program were effective in improving mothers’ knowledge, reported practice and attitude regarding their children with short stature post educational program implementation compared to pre- educational program implementation

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