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Dr. Nour Mahmoud Massoud :: Publications:

Neural Network Regressor for Designing Biomedical Low Elastic Modulus Ti-Zr-Nb-Mo Medium Entropy Alloys
Authors: Nour Mahmoud Eldabah, Amin Shoukry, Wael M Khair-Eldeen, Sengo Kobayashi, Mohamed Abdel Hady Gepreel
Year: 2024
Keywords: Medium entropy alloys, β – Titanium alloys, Artificial neural networks, Low elastic modulus, CALPHAD.
Journal: Key Engineering Materials
Volume: 967
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 89-94
Publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

The excellent biocompatibility of Ti and Zr alloys makes them the best candidates for orthopedic implantations. The design of high Ti and Zr-containing alloys that show low Young's modulus for implant manufacturing is the objective of this work. Here, a feed-forward-back propagation neural network was used to speed up the design process and optimize alloy composition. The β-typeTi45-Zr39-Nb12-Mo4 alloy is designed and showed promising properties. The alloy showed a low elastic modulus of 78 GPa and a high yield strength of 891 MPa resulting in a high elastic admissible strain that made it suitable for orthopedic applications.

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