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Dr. Ola Samir Ahmed El-Shimi :: Experience:

  • Intern (2006–2007): Benha University Hopsitals, rotating through general medicine, pediatrics, OB/GYN, general surgery, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, cardiology, clinical pathology and blood bank departments.
  • Resident (2007–2010): in cilnical and chemical pathology department and blood bank, Benha University Hopsitals, rotating through haematology, clinical chemistery, microbiology, immunology units and blood bank.
  • Specialist and assistant lecturer (June 2010–January 2015): of clinical pathology and immunology, Benha University Hospitals, Benha University, Egypt.
  • Doctoral researcher (Jan. 2013-Dec. 2013): in the genetics group, Lübeck Institute of Expermintal Dermatology (LIED), University of Lübeck, Germany.
  • Senior specialist and lecturer (March 2015 till now): of clinical pathology and immunology, Benha University Hospitals, Benha University, Egypt.
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