You are in:Home/Publications/ تخطيط النشاط الرياضى فى بعض الجامعات الحكومية والخاصة بجمهورية مصر العربية (دراسة مقارنة)

Dr. omar mohamed elamin :: Publications:

تخطيط النشاط الرياضى فى بعض الجامعات الحكومية والخاصة بجمهورية مصر العربية (دراسة مقارنة)
Authors: omar mohamed elamin
Year: 2016
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper omar mohamed elamin_omar.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Sport has a big importance in achieving social development and it is considered as an important part from publics’ interests, because of its efficient role on the national and international levels, sport activity with its all forms is considered as an important component in educational institutions, because of its efficient role in preparing the person mentally, physically, psychologically, and socially.In addition, sport inside university contributes in correcting youth negative drives and invest their power, to be mentioned, sport activity in university has three major targets, which are: physical growth, mental growth and social growth, and that’s why university sport activity is important. Although the importance of university sport activity, there are a lot of factors interfere and affect sport activity programs, youth welfare in the university is considered the responsible for sport activity planning inside the university, particularly, sport activity administration , which is the responsible administration for putting the sport activity plans and programs in the university. Research problem and importance: Sport administrations in universities are responsible for doing sport activity plans inside universities, they allow university students to practice they favorite sport activities, through internal sport activities (faculties teams), and universities teams, also, they are responsible for achieving good results in sport activities through choosing student elements and use them the best usage, and knowing the troubles which may be faced them. Planning outruns any other activity in the sport field, it is considered the starting point of the work, it should be clear to determine the tasks which should be done in the future and how to do these tasks, the required period to carry out them, and the material and human resources required. A study carried out by the Arab League refers that there are still a lot of educational institutions on the university level concentrate on the educational process more than the civil, cultural and social dimensions which include sport, this causes negative effects on youth values. Through working as a s physical education specialist in Benha University, and throw browsing the results of universities sport competitions which are organized by the Egyptian universities sport federation, the researcher noticed the bad level of some universities in the tail of the list, while another universities head the list, so the problem of the research is the necessity to know the reality of sport activity planning in public and private universities in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and to know the differences between public and private universities in sport activity planning, and the reasons behind some universities to achieve advanced rank unlike other universities. The importance of this research lies in that it sheds light on the similarities and differences, and the weaknesses and strengths in the planning of sport activity in public and private universities, which helps these universities to improve sport activity planning efficiency.

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