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Prof. Osama Fouad Ahmed Ebrahim :: Publications:

Prenatal and Postnatal Effects Of Curcumin and Vit C on Lead Acetate induced Alterations in Developing Kidneys of Albino Rat
Authors: Saadia Ahmed Shalaby, Essam Mohammed Eid, Omar Abd El Aziz Allam , Osama Fouad Ahmed and Nehal Fahmy Shaheen
Year: 2017
Keywords: Prenatal, Postnatal, Curcumin, Lead acetate, vit C ,Developing Kidneys.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Usama Fouad Ahmed Ebrahim _d.osama.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Introduction: poisoning with lead between pregnant women being an important public health probleam, as it disturbs development. As lead can cross the placenta accordingly; intrauterine lead poisoning harmful to the woman and also to the developing baby. Curcumin has been shown to improve oxidative stress and it is considered to be a potent antioxidant. Vitamin C, is a chelating agent, have the capability to protect cells from oxidative stress. Aim of Work : is to Study of the histological and ultrastructural changes in the kidney of rat pups at 18th day of gestation and at weaning after oral intake of lead acetate to the pregnant rats from the first day of pregnancy till weaning and the protective role of curcumin and vitamin C. Materials and methods : 12 adult female albino rats allowed to be pregnant and they divided into: control group and exprimental group. The control group consisted of 4 adult female albino rats. Also the exprimental group divided into two groups each group contain 4 adult female albino rats (Lead acetate treated group and Lead acetate plus curcumin & vit C). At 18th day of gestation Two pregnant rats from each group of control and experimental subgroups were anaesthetized , the abdomen and uterus was opened and the fetuses were extracted then the abdomen of each fetus was opened and the kidney was extracted. the outcome of the remaining 2 pregnant rats from each group will be sacrified after weaning. Results: the lead acetate treated groups (prenatal and postnatal) showed discoumation of cells of the proximal tubules ,the distal tubule are degenerated. The glomeruli are intact. While In lead acetate plus curcumin and vitamin C treated group the glomeruli are intact but its renal space is wide , the proximal and distal tubules appear like normal. Conclusions: Lead acetate affects the kidney during gestation and lactation periods. Adminstiration of curcumin and vitamin C minimize the harmful effect of lead acetate on developing kidneys. [ Saadia Ahmed Shalaby, Essam Mohammed Eid, Omar Abd El Aziz Allam , Osama Fouad Ahmed and Nehal Fahmy Shaheen. Prenatal and Postnatal Effects Of Curcumin and Vit C on Lead Acetate induced Altrations in Developing Kidneys of Albino Rat

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