Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcome of expectant management of tubal ectopic pregnancy (E.P.) and ifs impact on future fertility and tubal pa-tency using ultrasonic (U/S) procedure. Subjects and Methods: Eighteen patients (37.5%) were selected for expectant management from 48 patients with E.P. managed at the King Khalid Military City Hospital (KKMCH), Saudi Arabia, during the period from March 1995 till March 1998. The selected patients were minimally symptomatic, clinically stable with an initial serum B-hCG < 2000 1.U./L, Ultrasonic findings of a uni-lateral adnexal mass < 4 cm and Douglas pouch fluid < 100 ml. These patients were followed up eve-ry other day with serial B-hCG quantitation and en-dovaginal U/S evaluation. Expectant management was considered successful if 13-hCG is gradually de-creasing and U/S revealed gradual resolution of the adnexal mass and peritoneal fluid. Patients with suc-cessful management underwent Salpingosonography for assessing tubal patency and they were followed up for 8-30 months for subsequent pregnancies and |