Background: In immunocompromised individuals, e.g. diabetics, toxoplasmosis is one of the significant
opportunistic illnesses. The sensitivity and susceptibility to infections increases in diabetic patients
causing severe health consequences unless diagnosed and treated early.
Objective: The study was performed to detect the possible association between toxoplasmosis and both
types of diabetes mellitus linked with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels.
Patients and Methods: The study included 180 serum samples, 90 from diabetic patients and 90 healthy
controls. Diabetic cases were divided into 22 diagnosed as type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and 68 type 2 diabetes
(T2DM). Sera were tested for Toxoplasma IgG antibodies using ELISA technique, and HbA1c levels were
estimated in all diabetic patients.
Results: Toxoplasma IgG seropositivity was recorded in 67/90 (74.4%) of diabetic patients and 30/90
(33.3%) of the controls with statistically significant difference (P |