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Prof. Rafat Alkmaar :: Publications:

The use of expert system for the design of higher-order parasitic compensated switched capacitor filters
Authors: Raafat A. El-Kammar, M. Sharaf, Hala A. Mansour, A. M. El-Mahdi
Year: 1996
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: 21st International conference on statistics, computer science and applications, April 6-11, 1996, Cairo, Egypt
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to propel the field of design in Artificial-Intelligence (AI) domain into a new direction, where it presents an expert system (EX) used to design higher order parasitic compensated switched capacitor (SC) filters. In the proposed expert system . The interface with the user is achieved by means of the mouse and the keyboard, the knowledge base contain all the data that helps the user to design the high order SC filters, the interface engine performs the logical inference by going through the design steps in a short way to give the desired output as quick as possible similar to the way of thinking of an expert human, and the explanation and help facilities to verify any point in the design method. This system is carried out in the most accurate and speedy manner using PROLOG language

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